If I were on a tour of the Alaskan Wilderness, I would want to see a beautiful field of wild flowers with Mt. Mckinley in the background.
How about you?
This image aptly describes my life as a "Java" programmer. I'm not sure if I'm using the term "Java" or "programmer" loosely. Both probably. No matter, I am definately prolonging the problem, at least today anyhow. Right now, I am taking "a break" from reading about how to create JavaBeans for my JSP web application. Did I lose the majority of you just now? If not, I won't even bother to go into what a JavaBean is because I haven't completely learned the topic yet. At any rate (what does that mean?), I am now wasting time until 5 p.m. Hopefully this blog will unleash enough creative energy that I will be able to return to my mundane programming job. God...am I depressing or what?