Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Working For "The Man"

Well...paint me a red stapler, I'm back working for "the man". I recently accepted a new software development position and traded in my library card for a lousy computer chair and goopy keyboard at a desk that doesn't quite fit. Monday, I actually found myself texting a friend that "somebody had a case of the Mundays" and that would be me. I *would* upload a virus to the main frame, but I can't even access my gmail account (NOTE: That opinion in no way reflects the views of my new company or my own opinion for that matter, since I no longer have one. Dang those non-disclosure agreements!).

I miss staying at home all day with my pup, reading on the couch and learning important things like "how the western world came to their conclusions". I miss waking up when my body wants to. I miss my freedom. However, since I am working for "The Man", I am thankful to be learning modern software practices/tools like: the Maven build tool, structuring Java Web Applications with Struts, learning another configuration management tool, and learning how to use the JSTL. At least if I have to work for "the man", I am in an interesting environment with plenty to laugh at (mostly from corporate policies), a culturally diverse group (I've always wanted to learn about India) of people, and great things to put on my resume...just in case I need it again.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Visit My MySpace and Friends

You may have noticed that I've been adding blogs and MySpace pages to my "Check It Out!!!" Links. I thought others might enjoy visiting my MySpace page and the pages of some of my friends. A friendly request though: If you visit my page, sign my Frapper Map and post a picture of yourself on it. It's so much more interesting when I know who you are. And kindly do the same for any of my friends who also own a Frapper Map. We all appreciate it:)

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween 2007

I carved 2 pumpkins this year. Let me tell you, it was a lot of work. The patterns are called "Haunted Tree" and "Ghost". Thanks go out to Mike Mulligan who hollowed out the ghost pumpkin for me. That saved me a lot of time.

Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble....This is my intense "I'll turn you into a toad" witch look:) I'm very proud of my costume because I only paid $4 for the hat and was able to find the rest of my costume in my closet.
Me and my little minion, Trinity. I love how the curl fell on my cheek. It gives this photo all the character it has. Otherwise, it would just be another dumb picture of me and my dog. I am shamelessly trying to draw people to my blog with this photo. I took all of these pictures with the self-timer on my digital camera, so it's amazing they came out as well as they did.
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