Blatant plagiarism on my part with the post title, by the way.
A childhood friend has a blog called She Loves You and creatively managed to create a blogspot url out of a song name that you would think is completely obsolete. I am impressed. Recently, she tagged me in a game. Here are the rules:
1) Answer the questions posed, 2)
make up 11 more questions, and 3) tag 11 more bloggers to answer them.
I don't have many connections to other bloggers, so forgive me if you are not interested in this question/answer game.
1. Do you go out to dinner alone? Concerts? Movies? When you do, do you feel comfortable, or is it awkward?
I do occassionally, go out to dinner alone. I usually don't like it. Going alone reminds me that I am alone. That the person I would have preferred to eat with is not available. That he is too afraid to surprise me with a drop-in visit because of trauma in his past.
Concerts? No.
Movies? I have considered it, but have never gone. Movies aren't that important to me. I'd rather be outside.
2. Are you a "picky eater" or a garbage disposal type? Are there any foods you just won't touch?
When I was a kid, I was a very picky eater. As an adult, no so much. I have tried most western food. Sardines are on my "not palatable" list. I won't eat chicken salad anymore, because I believe it was responsible for a horrible case of food poisoning during a college spring break. Gorrila Pizza, once sampled at a farmer's market in Boulder, CO is on my "never try again" list, as well.
3. Is there something you regret not doing? Why?
A first. Too personal to answer on a blog. Or maybe I am too gun-shy to be honest about that one in such a public setting. Only best friends are allowed in on that topic.
Have you ever had "haters" comment on your blog? If so, what did you
do? Either way, do you ever worry about readers' responses to what you
I have never had a "hater" on my blog. I don't think I say anything that controversial. Occasionally, I have had complaints from a real life person who didn't think I should feel a certain way. I have worried what my readers would think. In the past there were two readers with conflicting agendas, both of whom I liked. If I were with one, the other would complain and vice versa. I am glad that neither read my blog any longer.
5. If you had to choose, would you live in the middle of the city or the middle of the country?
Middle of the country. I've been living in a hellish suburbia for the past 5 years called Lakewood, CO. I can't explain how much I would like to be rid of my neighbors. I am amazed at some of the things that they think are perfectly acceptable as "renters". Yesterday I found a pair of spandex shorts (I am generously not calling them underwear) in our shared stairwell. I snobbishly own my condo.
6. If you had to say, do you think you are an introvert or an extrovert? Do you associate "shy" with introverted?
I am in the middle, according to the Meyer-Briggs assessment. At work I tend to be more social. At home I tend to be more introspective. I am an INFP. I do not associate "shy" with introverted. I associate my comfort level with being by myself. In fact, I get irritable if I don't have alone time. An old acquaintance described this as his "only child" time.
7. If money wasn't a concern, what would you do? Quit your day job? Travel? Exactly what you are now?
I would quit my day job. For sure. I would travel around the state of Colorado and see all of the beautiful things it has to offer. I would write two books. One would be a book of photographs. It would contain places and people. For the places, I would write about how I was touched by this place. For the people, I would tell their story. The second would be the beginning of a series about a girl and her dog. Growing up I always imagined my life would be much better with a dog. I now know that dog I had envisioned as a young child was my late Trinity. I would like to inject her into a story for other little girls to find her.
Are you a news junkie or are you blissfully unaware of what's going on
until someone mentions it on Facebook or on your favorite blogs?
I am vaguely aware of what is going on around me. I used to be blissfully unaware, but then I realized there were things going on that I didn't want to happen. So I became a little more engaged. Mostly, I don't want to become so involved in the media that I feel angry. I feel like the news is meant to evoke a negative emotion, and I don't like that feeling.
9. If you were stranded on an island but could bring music, what album would you bring?
I have no idea. Probably Sheryl Crow's greatest hits. There's a lot that resonates in her music with me.
10. What are your thoughts on this new Shades of Gray hype? Have you read it?
I have not read it. I have heard about it. I am not sure what my thoughts are, but it does creep me out when someone posts about it on Facebook. Isn't it erotic fiction? I think some people are discovering this genre for the first time. Read The Mammoth Hunters, people. It's pretty graphic and available in your junior high school library.
I'm no prude, and I probably have a better imagination than she does, but if my 13 year old niece mentions it, I am going to be disturbed.
11. How do you feel about plastic surgery? Would you get it? Have you already had some done?
Funny you should ask. I had a splinter in my thigh from a run-in with the retaining wall at my condo complex. It has left a scar. My cousin suggested I talk to a plastic surgeon, since my physician did not think that the scare would heal. I actually thought about it....
My own token 11 questions:
1.) Is there one place in the world that you can go and feel complete and total peace? Describe it.
2.) Where is your favorite vacation spot? What is your mother's maiden name? Place of Birth.... Wait :) Scratch this question.... Over personal :)
3.) Have you ever taken the Meyer-Briggs Assessment? If so, what was your personality type? You can look it up online and take a mini-version if you like.
4.) Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom in life? If so, what did it look like for you?
5.) Seriously, where is your favorite vacation destination?
6.) What is the last thing you worried about?
7.) How many times have you fallen in love?
8.) Would you ever consider going on vacation by yourself?
9.) What is your favorite book and why (okay...that's two questions :)
10.) If you could live anywhere, where would "anywhere" be?
11.) What is the scariest thing you can think of?
Tag, you're it:
She Loves You
Kathy Escobar
If you have a blog that you would like for me to add: I have a spot for 8 more people to tag. Then you can answer the 11 questions and let me know what you think.