Friday, December 22, 2006

3 types of people

The word chion in Greek means "snow". Therefore, there are 3 types of people in the world...

chionophobes: fear of snow
chioneuphores: tolerate and survive snowy conditions by taking advantage of specialized niches.
chionophiles: snow lovers with evolved adaptations.

I took my snowshoes out for a spin today. I'd say I'm a chionophile. How 'bout you?


mpmull2u said...

Oh, sure rub it in, you're the kind who'd put a whole in the bottom of the washtub to make a base fiddle.

I liked that movie too.

coalex said...

This ones a no brainer for me.
Not only am I usually in a better mood when it is snowing outside, winter is my favorite season…seems like there is a lot more to do!
The snow is starting to fly up here in coal creek as I type! Yepee!

Lisa said...

Cool Alex. Do you not even bother driving the rig? Just hop on the snowmobile?