Dan starts first with some self-revelation. He calls himself a "compulsive liar" as a child. Considering I am from a family where spanking was an optional punishment, I can relate. I felt like I was a liar for much of my childhood. The best lie I told was to Philip Owens when I was 4-5 years old. My mom babysat Philip in the afternoons. He was a year older than I. For some reason, I told Philip that Disney World was located in the space above heaven. I think I might have said that I had been there. He bought it. I spewed all kinds of wild details, probably because he was listening on the edge of his seat. The next day he came back to my house and said he asked his Dad and Disney World is in Florida. I remember laughing and saying "I know that, silly! Didn't you know I was only kidding?". My rivalry with Philip was partially rooted in the fact that he was a year older and liked to lord that over me. This "competition" led me to receive a Christmas gift of Star Wars themed presents including the Millenium Falcon. Philip had asked for the Millenium Falcon for his birthday, but instead received a measly star fighter. I told him that I would ask for the Millenium Falcon for Christmas and MY parents would buy it for me. Mom and Dad did not let me down. Afterward, I was puzzled over what I should do with the Star Wars stuff. I really wanted a doll.
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