Saturday, May 5, 2007

Mesa Trail

Friday I hiked the Mesa Trail with my good friend, Ann. We met at Chataqua around 10 a.m. and hiked between there and the water tower at NCAR. Didn't quite make it to the water tower because the temperatures dropped as we neared. We were getting chilled and decided an "almost made it" was good enough on this particular day. Probably was in the high 40's low 50's by that time with a strong wind. NCAR's Table Mesa Laboratory is the building you see on the ridge in the first picture. Saw and smelled beautiful wildflowers all along this hike. If you can help identify, please feel free. I need to invest in a wildflower book for this area.

P.S. looked it up. The 2nd to last photo is of Praire Goldbanner and the last photo is of a Western Wallflower.
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