Ummm...I really enjoyed this book. It was very easy to read and the plot lines and dialogues kept me turning the pages quickly. But, I don't think I really grasped everything that Steinbeck was trying to communicate. The text is surprisingly simple to read, but I sensed that there was so much more going on underneath if only I could slow down.
The theme in this book that caught my eye was the fallability of humans. The ranch hand Billy Buck makes several promises concerning ponies on the Ranch. In the first case, he promises that the pony Gabilan will survive an illness. The pony dies. For the first time, Jody sees Billy Buck as fallible and does not trust him completely in the future. Billy Buck himself also comes face to face with his own limits when he realizes that he cannot make promises that are out of his control.
With the second Pony, Jody tries to obtain a promise from Billy Buck that it will be born. Billy Buck finally relents and promises, eventhough he knows better. His hubris results in the sacrifice of a good mare, as Billy Buck must slaughter the mare to deliver the pony with success.
You actully read barack's book? Then you went to harry potter?
I often read several books at a time. I was listening to Harry Potter in the car, and reading Barak when I rode the train. Do you only read serious books, or just children's books?
what age do you think this book is for
The story is a pretty simple read. If you are a mature reader, than 5th grade and up maybe?
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