Sunday, July 13, 2008

Take Me Out To the Ball Game

My friend Mike Mulligan graciously invited me to a Rockies/San Diego Padres game in late June. Let's see here....This is now my 6th time to the ball park, and these were fantastic seats
I, like millions of other people, really like Matt Holiday. Here he is playing "nanny-nanny-boo-boo" with the pitcher and first baseman.

Mike and myself enjoying the game. The funny thing is that I thought the two teen-age boys sitting behind us were a boy/girl couple. One of the boys must have been pre-voice change. I thought they were pretty stupid for a dating couple, until Mike told me that they were all of 13 or 14 years old. Then I had to laugh!

Mr. Willie Taveras hitting the ball and taking off for first base. I don't remember if he made it or not. The Rockies didn't end up winning this game:(
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