Have you ever known someone who is repeating themselves? I do. I know I am. I just realized this evening that the other woman in my relationship is a pack of 6 German Shepherd Dogs. The funny thing is, in my last relationship, the other woman was a bunch of middle school boys and girls. I wonder if it would be as strange if the other woman, really was another woman....
I see patterns. And I have to obfuscate them. This would be an ironic story. A man marries a woman he is madly in love with, who in his opinion is constantly going out with her friends. He doesn't like it, but lets her go because it's who she is. She cheats on him with said friends, and disappears.
So he hooks up with another chick, because he needs to pay the bills. And she likes to ride horses. He likes to ride horses. His ex-wife never liked to ride horses and he disliked that about her. They move away and follow their dreams of working with horses together. He is not madly in love, but marries her anyway.
She gets knocked up a few times and has a couple of abortions. Finally they are settled enough that when she gets knocked up again, they can have the baby who comes two months pre-mature. They divorce when the baby grows to a little girl.
The man is heart-broken. All he wanted was a family. Now his only little girl lives with his ex-wife and her lover. The other two babies got thrown away. All she wanted to do was "go" he said. She insisted they buy a horse trailer so they could take the horses and go. He bought a house in the middle of a horse community so they wouldn't have to. Why did she want to go away.
Who knows what happens in between, but eventually he meets another woman. She wants to go. She wants to go to the mountains and camp and hike and travel. She wants to write and take pictures. And he says that he bought a house in the middle of a horse community, near a state park, up against the mountains, on an acre and a half, so he would never have to go. Why does he need to go up there, when he has everything he wants, down here. She buys two dog crates and a bike rack so she can go whenever she wants and not be a burden.
He loves her, but she wants so many friends. She moved to a new community and wants to meet new people. He tolerates her search, but critisizes her finds. He refuses to socialize with her friends and becomes jealous.
All of this overwhelms the love. He breaks up with her. Now he can sit at home and grow a garden and watch the birds and raise his dogs who tear the house apart, one board at a time. He can breed his champion show dog. But he can't wake up early enough to get the dog there. He occasionally gets some time with his daughter, who is now old. She can't come over very often, because she has to care for the horses.