Friday, April 27, 2007

Chapter 10: Happiness bicycles and Ice Cream

This chapter, perhaps more than any other chapter touched me. I've often pondered, as Dan does, what is it about the bicycle that has forever captured my love and devotion. I think the conclusion I came to is similar to Dan's: freedom.

I too remember the exhilaration of pedaling away for the first time without falling over. It's a strange thing really. That no matter how long ago it's been since I hopped on my bike, I don't forget how to balance.

A few years ago, I spent almost every day, for an hour or so, on my bicycle. It helped me burn off the intense stress from work and the intense loneliness in my marriage. I came to all sorts of wonderful conclusions atop that bike regarding both problems. Unfortunately, neither situation was resolved and I ended up leaving both. I think the work situation was destined to end, considering the project manager was skill-less in managing people. The marriage...sometimes I wish that I could have brought my "ex" out on a ride. There, maybe he would have caught a glimpse of a very capable young woman who really wanted to share her life with someone.

This coming month, I will be moving to a new place in Lakewood, Colorado. From work to home, door-to-door, is approximately 2 miles. I'm hoping, the 4-6 mile daily commute will give me a renewed sense of freedom. Love the wind in my hair, and the occasional bug in my teeth...hey they're a good source of protein:)

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