Friday, August 3, 2007

In the Backyard

My grandfather built this shed when he moved to the property in the late 1940's. My Dad and his family lived in it until my grandfather finished building the main house. I never knew this, but before the main house was built, Dad said the family would take a 20-30 gallon trash can over to "Beaver creek" and fill it up for their drinking water. The can sat in the little house and served as their potable water for the week.

Trinity returning from her morning patrol in the back of the property

Trinity looks inside the back door, hoping to escape the mid-day humidity.

A picture of the house from the south side of my parent's property.

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coalex said...

Neat family history Lisa! How long did it take to finish the house? Was there ever a wood burning stove in the Shed? It reminds me of a backcountry shacks stashed away in the Rockies somewhere. What is that huge star?
Looks like a great place to grow up. I could have spent hours messing around in the woods and shed as a kid...wait a minute, I could spend hours messing around in them as an adult.
Trinity looks like a show dog.


Lisa said...

Hi Alex. The house was "finished" (read livable) in 2-3 years my Dad thinks. They had a coal burning stove in the shed for heat. The house was always under construction though, until recently. My Dad really made a lot of improvements, but he hired contractors.

The huge star is just something my Mom added. She likes to decorate the shed in rustic attire:)

It was a good place to grow up. We played pioneers all the time. There was a large woods behind my house that we played in all the time. My dad let us build forts in the back yard. I built a cedar tee-pee and tried to build a small A-fram cabin. Actually almost finished one of the A's. My brother actually completed one.

Yeah...those times were a lot of fun. I used to dream of living out west though. Lucky I do:)

As for Trinity, she amazes me with her beauty. If she hadn't had the coat, who knows maybe she would have been a show dog.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa,
Love the pictures - That back yard looks amazing! Im sure Trinity is loving it. Hope you are havin a great weekend. Just got back from a hike at Chatauqua--pretty and warm today. Take care,